

Links - References

External Websites

Much of the information listed here has been obtained from publicly available sources that are available for you to use to extend and improve the family trees shown. All these web resources are FREE to use - being either government, charity or volunteer funded.

Our Family History Websites

  • Brotherton Org - families connected with the village of Brotherton in Yorkshire
  • Sheeky Family - families with the surname Sheeky, Sheekey, Cheakey, etc and their relatives
  • Townsley Info - families with the surname Townsley and their relatives
  • Townsley Extended - all the commoner Strangeway(s) families in an interactive format provided by Webtrees
  • Strangways-Towneley - all the nobility and landed gentry information in a format provided by Gedsite.


As with all these family trees there are likely to be errors and gaps - since few (no?) family trees are ever complete or provide the fully detailed story of something as complex as a family’s history . And it is impossible to wait until all the details are confirmed before publishing what fragments are known about a family tree - since family trees will always have gaps. All the information listed here has been obtained from publicly available sources. Sources put online by both official outlets and through the efforts of amateur researchers. Also note that many of the BMD entries only refer to the Quarter and the Registration District where the event was registered - since these are a main source of the public records.

Please get in touch with any corrections so that we can be as complete and accurate as possible.


BrianTownsley Brotherton Sheeky Family



The above book - Wives and Daughters by Joanna Martin - provides much background information about the Fox-Strangways family, their lives and social connections.

