Strangways-Towneley Tree
This covers members of the British Peerage and Landed Gentry from the Middle Ages to the 20th century starting from the Strangeway / Strangways and the Towneley family pedigrees. You can see a simple list of surnames included here - A-L and M-Z but not that this list is not updated as often as the Personal Ancestral File (PAF) database.
The full database is a single, large linked family tree where all the families are connected - by normal descendancy or by a marriage at some point in their history. This linking includes earlier generations of the linked family; in other words it is an “all related” family tree.
Because the marriage links go back as far as the 1300’s the extended tree spreads out across many of the famous families of Britain. This also means that the majority of pedigrees have been published already and are probably available on other web sites. However there are also extra entries that have been added directly from printed sources and do not appear on any of the major genealogy web sites.
You can download the full Strangways-Towneley Landed Gentry Tree in a zipped Personal Ancestral File (PAF) format here..
Note: The size of this PAF file is around 29Mb even with compression. The version available here is dated 7-May-2019 - and as corrections / updates are made newer versions will be uploaded.
The file format used by the Personal Ancestral File software has become a de facto standard for genealogy databases. Up to July 2013 the software was available to download without charge from Now the software is unsupported but still functions correctly and can be downloaded from backup sites if needed. FamilySearch themselves have no replacement.
For anyone wanting to use a more up to date genealogy app then the only one I have tried is Ancestral Quest (currently at version 15). This software is chargeable but not expensive you can try out a restricted version for free from Incline Software - here. Ancestral Quest even provides the option to keep using any existing data in PAF format so making a switchover very easy.
If you are reliant on genealogy software that cannot accept PAF format databases then a conversion of the PAF information into the Gedcom format is the way forward. This GEDCOM format has been the most widely used option for exchanging family trees for many years- but there are differences in the way that it is processed by different software packages so some detail may “get lost in translation”.
Get in touch if you really must have the Strangways-Towneley Tree as a Gedcom file (or any other format) ... or want to checkout my experiences of using Ancestral Quest ... or need a copy of the Personal Ancestral File software.