

This web site covers the English entries for surnames originally written (or later transcribed) as Strangeway Strangeways Strangewayes Strangewaies Strangway Strangways Strangwayes Straingways Straingewaies Straingways Strangesways Strangewaise Strangwaise Strangwas Strangwyse etc.

There is also some info on the families that have been recorded for us as Strandguidge Strandgwidg Strandgwidge Strandwidge Strandwige Strangewich Strangewiche Stranguadg Stranguage Stranguide Stranguidge Stranguish Strangwage Strangwich Strangwiche Strangwick Strangwidg Strangwidge Strangwieg Strangwige etc. Even though it is not clear if these surnames all have the same root.

It is not, therefore, a full, worldwide, one-name study but it does get close and provides a large percentage of the known references to this group of surnames.

Unlike any of the other surnames that I have researched these families do have records going back to medieval times. Not just in their own right but also through marriages to some of the most powerful families in England at that time. more..

It is also different in that it involves some important people right through to the 19th and 20th centuries including the Fox-Strangways, Bull-Strangways and Swainston-Strangwayes lines of “landed” families. Many of whom were entitled to (or claimed) a Coat of Arms more..

So quite a range - from labourers to earls - within a 650 year span of history.

I hope you find something here that is a small help when researching your family history. - good luck and fruitful searching.

Brian Townsley


April 2023 NOTE: Due to recent security changes some web browsers are no longer able to access my Webtrees family history. However the Firefox browser seems unaffected and remains functional. Steps have been taken with our service provider which may fix the problem.


21-Aug-2021 We Are Still Here! Despite everything that has happened the databases are still being updated - with most activity being on the Landed Gentry pages; now at 236,000 linked names.

24-Jun-2019 We Are Moving! Over the next few weeks the Strangeway Family web pages will move from their present URL (web address) to being part of the website. Hopefully everything will still be available after the move with only the web address changing to

This move will reduce the cost of hosting the information and reflects the fact that the commoner family records share the same database at Webtrees Townsley Extended

13-Jun-2019 The Strangways-Towneley records on Webtrees could not be updated this morning; due to the online database size exceeding the maximum allowed by our ISP. This failure left the service unusable for this the larger of our two separate family history databases. This is very similar to the problem we had in January - except that this time we cannot split-up the information into smaller sections to get around the problem.

This afternoon we are setting up another new database and switching to the Webtrees 2.0 software. This may only put off the day when we exceed the database size limit again - and the 2.0 software has yet to complete its testing process so may pose further problems. As before all previous log-ins have been cleared so registered users will need to re-register if they require access to recent family data.

Looking further ahead it may be necessary to find an alternative software supplier or database host. Reducing the frequency of updates seems to be a likely outcome.

24-Apr-2019 The Strangways-Towneley records on Webtrees have now been relocated to a separate database. These records are linked to those families that are often classed nobility or landed gentry. They are now accessible as the only family tree here ... All the commoners records are still recorded here - on the Townsley Extended family history database which can be freely accessed here ... Because of the need to use two independent databases you will need two separate logins. However the vast majority of the records do not require a login to be viewed. For security reasons any corrections will need to be submitted by e-mail.

8-Jan-2019 The Strangways-Towneley records on Webtrees have been taken offline due to errors most likely caused by the total database size having exceeded the 1Gb limit set by our ISP. This means that only the Townsley Extended tree is available online and that the landed gentry and peerage tree is currently only available as a download.

22-Apr-2018 Updated Strangways-Towneley records are available via Webtrees here ...

4-Jun-2017 The latest Strangways-Towneley records are now available via Webtrees here ...

4-Nov-2016 New pages containing copies of pedigrees for some Yorkshire Strangways families are now online more ... and the latest Strangways-Towneley records are now available via Webtrees here ...

28-Jul-2016 A copy of the family history study entitled “A Stapley History ... ” has now been added more ...

18-Jul-2016 News of the publication of a new book entitled “The Yorkshire Strangwayes” by the grandson, and sole descendant, of Darcy Edward Swainston-Strangwayes of Alne (1869-1920) more ...
Also the Webtrees interactive family trees have been updated regularly with corrections and new entries for both the Townsley Extendedand the Strangways-Towneley records and can be freely accessed here ...

11-Nov-2015 Updated data is now available on the Webtrees interactive system. The expanded information includes both the Townsley Extendedand the Strangways-Towneley records as two separate trees. It can be freely accessed here ... selecting the required tree from that home page.

9-Oct-2015 A pilot version of the Webtrees system is now available for trials at our sister web site -
Webtrees is claimed to be the web's leading on-line collaborative genealogy application. It is open source software based upon PHP, MySQL and standard GEDCOM files. All the commoners records used to create this Strangeway Family web site are contained within the single family history database, named Townsley Extended, and can be freely accessed
here ... The records for nobility and landed gentry may be added - as a separate database - at a later date.

BrianTownsley Brotherton Sheeky Family

